The first blog
So.....who, what, when, where, why, how? Let me set the picture. About two months ago, I started a new job, coming out of a job where I was stressed, exhausted (physically and emotionally), and had basically let myself go over the entire time I was there. Over three and a half years I put on twenty kilos. I became addicted to take out. I became lazy at all aspects of my life, except whinging about my job. That I had plenty of energy to keep doing. 24/7! But finally, after so much time job hunting, I found that new job, and I was given a fresh start. I am no longer working excessive hours, and I finally have the emotional strength to put myself first and to focus on my personal development. Now after putting on those twenty kilos, I had the urge to work on myself. To improve myself and work on my own needs. Now I thought the first step to my personal development journey was obvious - my health! And to narrow it down even further, shredding those twenty kilos. Now I've trie...