It has been a whole YEAR!!!

My goodness. It has been a whole year since I have posted. I knew in the back of my mind that I hadn't quite been my usual self and have been through some obstacles over what I estimated to be a year, but my last post confirms it. I left my last post with a comment about my lower back giving in. Well I have been on a rollercoaster since then. I basically had to quit exercising for months after that moment. My back was severely damaged. I went to a chiropractor about it and it came down to the fact that I did not have enough strength in my posterior chain to support my body. Your posterior chain is your lower back, glutes, hamstrings, and calf muscles. These are crucial for todays lifestyle. They support you while you sit down all day at desk jobs for horrific hours. If these muscles are tight, your spine compensates. I did not exercise again until January 2013, well I should say I tested my body a couple of times before January. It did not end well. I hurt my back running. I...