Yesterday marked the last day of week four of the 12wbt. And per Michelle's instructions, we were to take on a mini-milestone challenge. The Queensland 12wbt crew had quite alot of events planned around Brissy for me to choose from, or I could choose to just stick with Mish's planned programs per the site. I thought I better go to an organised event so I pushed myself to the extreme. I opted for the Mt Coot-tha Kokoda Track walk/jog. I had absolutely no idea what I was in for, apart from the fact that Mt Cootha is (stating the obvious).... A MOUNTAIN!! And it was named after the official Kokoda Trail, so that says something. I started the morning following my gps there, getting nice and lost on the way, only to turn up right at 7am - when everyone was getting the run down from the trainers and jogging to begin the warm up. I was slightly embarrassed to turn up late, but then again, at least I didn't give up when I got lost and just drive home and go back to bed. The o...
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