
Showing posts from March, 2012

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Wow. I don't know what has happened in the last months, but somehow I have had over 270 views in this month alone. My blog has had a very negative and "down" mood over the last couple of months. I think I need to get my butt into gear, work on my head, and make it more happy if there are that many people willing to look at it. Sorry guys. Am trying to make it honest, but I realise right now it just sounds sad. That's not a good sign. It's the start of a new week. After my brain dump the other day I now realise where my problem areas are which gives me something to focus on for the next month or so. Will check in as I go. Wish me luck :). Our minds are a fascinating thing. Can either work with or against us. Just depends how much we help it I suppose.


Disclaimer: I apologise in advance for the lack of care in wording the below post. It's not great grammar or writing that really flows at all. I was just feeling strongly and had to get my thoughts down as quickly as they came to me. Well I feel like I have certainly left myself behind of the pack this round. This is my 2nd round, and now that wk 6 is open I feel sick to the stomach. I don't actually feel like I've really started this round. I don't know what has happened. The first two weeks I was having my last two wks at my job after resigning - so life was mayhem burning the midnight oil to tie up all of my loose ends. I had a wk off to just catch up on my personal life that had been neglected due to a job that consumed my life. Then wks 4 & 5 of the program have been the first two weeks in a new job. And all these sound like big time excuses, but my life has been so unsettled for all of this time. I've been so busy running through to-do lists - ...