Getting Back On Track

I'm back. It's coming up to the start of week 8 of the current 12wbt round I signed up for. I've actually barely started this round to tell you the truth - I probably signed up at the wrong time in my life. Since the start of the round I have packed up and moved from Brisbane to London, then I went on a month long holiday around Europe, and now I'm back in London setting up my new home (I'd never been to London before this!!) So yep, safe to say I've been dealing with a few challenges when it's come to actually participating this round. Being away on holidays was the hardest bit - as we went for the cheapest hotels out there to save money so no room to workout, I didn't have appropriate attire to workout outside in the cold weather coming from Brisbane, no cooking facilities either so half our meals were restaurant meals, and also just being torn between the once in a life time experience of tasting all the local cuisines. Yes I know, excuse after excuse after excuse. I know I made excuses, but this is my first time overseas other than Bali so I just wanted to live and breathe it. I know I wasn't doing anything severely detrimental to my health, I just wasn't actively trying to better it. And I am ok with that. 

Anyway, that's done and dusted, I came back from holidays weighing 1kg lighter than when I left, so I must have done something right - I think it was no snacking and watching portion sizes and really listening to my body when it was full rather than hoovering the whole delicious dishes. It was quite eye opening actually, my body told me exactly when I was pushing myself too far with the food. I generally knew when I had to source out a meal of veggies and/or fruit only as my body would tell me so - loudly.  

So now the focus is getting back into it. I've got a plan, man.
- I've selected 2 recipes to cook up & freeze for this week, 
- Got my shopping list ready to go for week 8 plus he cook up - going to order it all online this arvo because life is different without a car - lugging those groceries on the walk home just isn't fun
- Found a gym to attend - calling them after I post this so I can organise a time to go in and check the place out in order to potentially sign up. 
- Going to go to gym at 5pm each day after I've had a day of job hunting & all those other little things for settling into a new place. 

Will keep posted on how I go hey. Back on track, slow and steady wins the race. 


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