It has been a whole YEAR!!!

My goodness. It has been a whole year since I have posted. I knew in the back of my mind that I hadn't quite been my usual self and have been through some obstacles over what I estimated to be a year, but my last post confirms it.

I left my last post with a comment about my lower back giving in. Well I have been on a rollercoaster since then. I basically had to quit exercising for months after that moment. My back was severely damaged. I went to a chiropractor about it and it came down to the fact that I did not have enough strength in my posterior chain to support my body. Your posterior chain is your lower back, glutes, hamstrings, and calf muscles. These are crucial for todays lifestyle. They support you while you sit down all day at desk jobs for horrific hours. If these muscles are tight, your spine compensates.

I did not exercise again until January 2013, well I should say I tested my body a couple of times before January. It did not end well. I hurt my back running. I hurt my back swimming. And I hurt my back with strength exercises. I almost gave up. Until my chiropractor sent me to a PT to rehabilitate my posterior chain. This was wonderful. I was able to do weights and start running again (I'm up to 7kms!!).

But come May 2013, life hit me square between the eyes. I was overwhelmed and my time was consumed by anything but maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Since May 2013, I've been through four really tough months of working hard and doing quite a bit of overtime (no benefits come with this), I sold my unit and did the conveyancing myself rather than through a solicitor, I cleared all of my debts, and turned my investments to shares rather than a money sucking investment property. I have told work I am leaving in February to move to UK and will soon be training the guy taking my role. I am also currently going through some sort of soul searching headspace. Looking back on my four months of heavy workload, I was unable to comfortably fit in my personal health goals at all. I kept putting them off, claiming I’ll sort it out “next week” when I have my work done. I think I claimed the next week line for about the last two months. It has left me questioning whether accounting is for me. I have done accounting for 6 lots of 30th June now. And I can recall 3 of those lots being easy-ish and manageable. They just all happen to have a simple fact in common – it was my first year in those jobs. So I can’t help but think they were a little easier on me because I was still learning the ropes. I can’t help but think this could be my life going forward if I stay in accounting. I can’t help but think I’m not doing something I am passionate about. I can’t help but think I am not helping anyone in a worthwhile way. I am in a rat race. But not even a good one. A good one would be 9-5 days most of the time. Not hell for one third of the year, then a rat race for two thirds.

Well, at the end of the day I must stay where I am until I leave for UK. And I have to make the most of it. I need to address my personal goals and commitments, if only the slightest bit. I want to feel well thanks to exercise and healthy eating again. I want to have sufficient sleep at night, and enough energy during the day. So, what is my plan?
  1. To start the current 12wbt round. It’s only week 5 *rolls eyes*, but I will be starting at week 1. This will include:
    1. Following the menu plan as closely as possible, to bring joy back into cooking again.
    2. Going to the gym daily after work. I need to leave right on 5pm. None of this bull shit of that place taking advantage of me, staying back to fix other people’s mistakes only to watch them leave on time. And as MB says, aim for 7 days of workouts and you will generally make 5-6.
    3. Filling the freezer weekly with back up meals. This has worked for me in the past, it can work for me again
  2. Number 1 will be my current focus for the next few weeks. I need to crack that routine into my mindset before I move onto another goal, but my next will be to remove caffeine dependency out of my diet. I drink far too much coffee and coke zero that sometimes I actually feel ill from it. The other day I was so busy one morning that I dived into my work as soon as I arrived first thing. I did not touch caffeine for the entire day. I felt great. It can be done and I do not want to put things in my body that does not help my body.
For the meantime, I think this focus is enough. I have thoughts about personal growth and community values that I would like to accomplish, but for now I need to concentrate on getting my health back on track.

Will let you know how I go with my first ever obstacle course this Sunday as well!! Packing my dacks is an understatement.


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