My Commitment - Finalised

Wednesday, 31st August:

If you read my last post, you would be at the point where I was trying to tackle the task Mish set of committing to myself, my family/loved ones, and to her and the other 12wbt members. And I was overwhelmed and freaked out and not performing very well at the task at all :).

However today I have a different story. A turn around. After alot of feedback on the 12wbt forums and some insight, I got over it and decided I needed to tell Terry. Of course I needed to tell Terry. We virtually live together. He's going to notice if I start eating differently. At least telling him he'll be supportive and will bring it to my attention if I start slipping off track.

Well I told him. And he was fine. Curious about what it all involved. Doing the number crunching to work out just how much weight I could lose with the calorie restrictions, hehe. Now that I've told him I can really focus on what I need to do. And I can comfortably plaster my walls with the excuses and goals and things to keep me focused. Order my online shopping without him questioning. Etc etc.

And while I was having this mini win, I decided to formalise and finalise my commitment. I put it up in the forums. But here it is:

My commitment is:
  • To put my health before my job by not emotionally eat when I am stressed and to do Mish’s “prescribed” exercise right after 5 every day (and first thing on the weekend). If I need to do overtime I will do it after I burn those calories. My job is not life or death. I am not saving lives.
  • To get straight back on the horse if I fall off the wagon, and not let myself fall off for another 3 months, become depressed, and pack on the kilos, again, and make it harder for myself, again, to lose the weight. If I eat one bad meal, so what, I’ll fix that by burning more calories, and watching what I eat more carefully for the next few days. I can recover!
  • To perform all activities/challenges Mish sets for us, and to watch all videos as they come out so that I can learn health and fitness skills for the long term, and not just a quick fix.
  • To work my absolute butt off physically, mentally and emotionally to get the best result I possibly can in these 12 weeks, so that I am giving myself the best start to the rest of my life.
  • To fit in at least 1 smaller dress size for my mothers wedding in January 2012 and to fit in at least 2 smaller dress sizes for my sisters wedding in October 2012.

I – CAN – DO – THIS!!!!!!


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