Facebook is bull sh&t........ seriously!

I'm so over Facebook and the need I have for it in my life. I'm living overseas so I rely on it to keep in contact with my family and friends, but also to be able to keep up with what is happening in their life by seeing their posts and updates when we don't have time to contact each other. If it wasn't for this need I would have ditched the thing weeks ago. I'm so utterly sick of it and what it causes people to do.

I sadly have become addicted to Facebook. Every morning and every night I look it up to see what all these people I don't regularly contact are up to. Because, you know, it matters so much to me!!! *I hope I can portray a shred of the sarcasm in my writing as I say it in my mind right now*

Have you ever noticed that Facebook has almost become this "keeping up with the Joneses" source? Who can post the best looking gourmet meal they've made? Who can post the most extravagant places/landmarks they've travelled to? Who can post to show they are leading the most healthy and fulfilling lifestyle like they're not even trying? I'm sick of it. Mostly because I've found myself falling for it. It's like I could see myself buying into it and wanting to be the answer to all of these questions. It's pathetic. I don't care what random acquaintances that I've met back in the day are doing day to day. I don't care if it's better than what I'm doing. I don't care if they're "cooler". But with it in my face all day every day I actually do care. And I hate that I do.

So how do I stop myself from caring? Well, unfortunately my self control with addictions isn't too strong, so I need to put measures into place to not have to rely on my self control. I've done a cleanse. I don't want to drop off the face of the earth, but I do not want to see what randoms are posting to make their lives look more impressive than they are, along with not wanting the temptation that I do the same. So I unfollowed & restricted as many people as I could. A massive cleanse! A lot of people I still want to contact in the future, so I left them there, I just won't see their posts on my news feed, nor they see mine. I already feel cleaner. I just don't need this BS in my life. It's not healthy. I want to live it in my own little bubble of what makes me happy and share my happiness with those who I would love to/easily spend a day with. Not those that I might say hi to if I saw them on the street. That's a slim might.


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