Week 3 & 4 - Energy

These past couple of weeks have gone a lot better than the first two. Well, actually, I guess they are pretty similar in terms of ups and downs. I guess that's just life right? As long as there are ups as well. My prior life (pre-quitting my last job), seemed to mostly just be made up of downs. It was hard to recall or even notice the ups. If there were any. So these past couple of weeks have been all about my energy levels. After being the crying sloth trying to cross the road - has anyone seen that video of a sloth crawling across the road? It's a great symbol or visual for lethargy. After being that lethargic sloth, I really began to regain energy in week three. I could feel it. It was great. Each day I'd get up with a little bit more "go get em" than the day before. And it felt fantastic. I started going on walks around my neighbourhood. I started cleaning out my wardrobe, which is filled to the brim with clothes that I've been meaning to sell on ebay fo...