My Mindset In Between Rounds

This afternoon I flew to Cairns for work. Whenever I've got a bit of downtime - ie. walking to work, or on a plane by myself, I listen to the 12wbt podcasts. The podcasts are recordings of the videos Michelle releases each week throughout the 12wbt program. There are two a week that are released, giving different messages each time, relative to what stage we are at in the program.

On the plane today I reached the week 11 message (I've been listening to them in the order they were released). This podcast was all about the processes to follow and tips for when we have completed the 12wbt. Tips such as to keep weighing yourself weekly, and don't relax too much on the food or increase your calories. And if the weight creeps up, snap back into the program straight away, go hardcore on the exercise, etc etc.

I got a little bit teary listening to the podcast to be honest. In between rounds I have done exactly the opposite of the advice Michelle gave in this podcast. I felt like a fool. An idiot. All the while sitting there with a horribly full stomach from eating a bag of potato chips and drinking an iced coffee. Lauren what is wrong with you??? This is the exact food you were eating before you lost any weight. This is the reason you were putting on weight for so long. Even as I am typing this I am eating chiccos. And I know I am not hungry in any way, but I keep eating them. Because they are there. Argh! Why am I being so ridiculous and silly?? It almost goes back to that post I made on binge-ing. It's that numb feeling I get when I eat when I am stressed out. But the crazy thing is the numb feeling is being cancelled out by the fact that I'm sitting here writing this blog. Because writing about it is putting it at the forefront of my mind. No numbing there!

Anyway, I have recognised it now. All I can do is look forward and improve. Some things I have been thinking about recently that I need to focus myself on this round is:
  1. All of the mindset videos. I just skimmed through them last round. I listened to them all, but as I've been listening to them a second time around, whilst walking to work, I am picking up on so many things I have missed. Michelle asks us to actually think about things for the week and recognise certain actions. In hindsight I really should have been taking notes as I listened to them, thinking about the messages in them, and completing the steps Michelle asked us to. So this is a big focus for me during this round.
  2. The exercise. Last round I loved watching myself get fitter. It is an adrenalin rush and gave me confidence back which I had lost over the years of putting on weight. I've still got a long way to go on getting back my confidence, but I have gotten some back. I just did not do the exercise as regularly as I should have. I exercised when I could, probably about half the time that was recommended/prescribed in the program. The main aspects of the exercise I think I need to change are:
    1. Workout in the mornings. The number of times Michelle has recommended this, and people on the forums have discussed this saying the same thing - you are less likely to miss it because your day has not started yet. I think it is something I need to commit myself to in order to avoid missing sessions.
    2. Work on my strength & weights work. Last round I avoided the weights and pushups. I hated doing that kind of workout, and didn't get the same rush as going for a run. This is so silly though. The reason I hate it is because I don't do it often enough to get better at it. I want to be stronger and more toned. Weights work is the answer to this problem.
    3. Work on my core. This suffered last round as well. It is Friday's scheduled training session per the program. I would always get home from work on a Friday and think to myself, I've had a tough week, I'm going to relax, not work out!! The morning gym sessions should remove this attitude. And I can still have my Friday evenings to relax. This is an important session, and it will also help me long term with my back pain.
  3. And finally, I need to ban myself from potato chips and iced coffee. I need to get my mind to recognise when I am about to eat this food and snap myself out of it. I have recognised that this is clearly my weakness and comfort food choice when I am down. I am better than this and I need to overcome this. Somehow.


  1. Love your honesty Lauren, and thanks for the podcast tips too.
    All the best for your iced-coffee free 12 weeks :)


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