Blogging Challenge #4

My response to this week's blogging challenge:
See the challenge here: Blogging Challenge #4

Theme of the Week: "Mini Milestone Week"

1. Describe in 25 words or less (why is it always 25 words) the you that you were before 12wbt
Lazy. Tired. Sad. Down. Stressed out. Pretty depressed about my life to be honest. I hated where my life was and what I looked like.

2. Now - who are you now??
Happy. Thinner. Tougher. Someone who puts themselves first, goes running after work, and doesn't eat fast food. Someone who did the Mt Cootha Kokoda Trail!!!!!!!!!

3. What has the hardest been the hardest thing to make habit THIS ROUND?
The toning days!!! I do not have strong muscles at all. I hate the soreness the next day. So I have not done my toning days very much at all. It has not been good and I am not proud of it. It shows in my fitness test - I was able to do the exact same number of pushups I could in a minute, four weeks ago. I did not improve at all in the strength area!! I know it's something I need to focus on, I guess I just avoid it while I am having busy weeks at work - I don't want to deal with the pain while my work is hectic. Not sure what to do to fix this. JFDI isn't working for me with this one.

4. What has been easier to make habit than you thought it would be?
Eating/following the meal plan. I can't believe how often I stay under 1,200 calories. Or how I am just not hungry or craving too many bad foods. It almost seems too easy! I hope I'm not speaking too soon though :). I guess my success is due to following the meal plan very closely. That Michelle is a smart lady.

5. How has your body changed THIS ROUND?
My double chin has reduced. My tuckshop arms are less flappy. The rolls that extend around to my back have significantly reduced. ie. I have much less back fat. Love it!! My tummy has gotten slightly smaller. Even my face, hands, and feet feel slightly skinnier. It sounds silly but it's true. It feels awesome. Can't wait for those key areas to go down - thighs, stomach, and waist.

6. How has your mindset changed this round?
My change in mindset has been very interesting, and not what I expected at all. This is my first round and the changes in my mindset I've noticed are:
a. When I'm stressed I want to go running!!
b. I look at bad food and think it's disgusting and don't want it.
c. If I'm hungry in between meals, I instantly think about what I can eat that won't cost me a crazy amount of calories.
d. I see the value in telling my managers "no" to doing overtime, as I need to put my health first. Coming from a crazy stressed out person who worked far too many hours a week before this journey, makes this mindset feel like such a huge step! I also think I'm more productive with my work with this attitude.

7. Finish this sentence "I now know I am strong because ..."
I know I am strong because food does not control me anymore. I make clear decisions in my mind (most of the time) about what I am going to eat and why I am not going to eat something bad for me.

8. Finish this sentence "I am proudest of ...."
I am proudest of my Mt Cootha Kokoda Trail week 4 mini milestone challenge. I was terrified of this on so many levels - the activity itself and doing it with a large number of people I didn't know. But I did it. I came second last, but I don't really care because I completed it and I want to do it again and improve on it.

9. Finish this sentence "In 8 more weeks you will see me ...."
Lose another 7kgs and hopefully more. Have done two more crazy mini milestone challenges (thanks to Angela for organising this). And be addicted to exercising!!

10. What word applies to you now - that you never would have used before 12wbt?

I know that choice of word sounds funny when I still have a long way to go on my weight loss journey, however I mean it from the point of view that I am on the right track. I have a healthy mind set, healthy attitude, and I am heading in the right direction to get myself healthier and healthier.


  1. Lauren

    Wow... what a difference already!It's great that you're loving exercise and sticking to calories and thinking about your work/life balance more! Many many side effects from this program.

    Good luck with the toning sessions. First round I was really only doing pilates, though have recently started doing Pump classes when possible. I'm not terribly good about getting to a park and doing something myself, so classes are good for me.

    And... you certainly do sound healthy in EVERY way!

    Keep it up!


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