End of Day 3

How am I feeling?

Well so far I'm feeling pretty amazing. I've stuck to the calorie counts very closely. I've been a little bit hungry, but not too bad. I've been very good with my prioritising too - always putting the 12wbt program before work (overtime work). Always preparing my meals, getting my exercise in, etc etc.

I had my weigh in this morning too. I weighed in at 88.4kgs. That is a 1.3kg loss since last Thursday (so 6 days ago). Pretty happy with that! I haven't even been on the strict calorie intake and exercising for the whole time - I only started on Monday. Friday and Saturday I had fairly big nights - drinking! Can't wait till next Wednesday to see the effects of a full week.

One thing I'm realising as well, is that I actually feel thinner. When I'm hiking up my hill on the way home with my laptop on my back, I actually feel lighter. Like I'm carrying less weight as I treck up. Like my legs aren't as heavy as they usually are. Or my stomach isn't as in the way as it usually is. Awesome! I know it is probably more psychological and also my fitness improving rather than me shrinking at a rapid rate, but it's a good feeling.

Another bonus so far: I turned on my "robot" mode when I need to and exercised when I didn't feel like it.When I got home from work today I totally just wanted a rest day. I was sore from the toning day yesterday and I am busy. But I just got off my a$$ and did it! The Super Shredder Circuit (one of Mish Bridges DVD)! I did the whole DVD plus repeated one circuit for good measure and to reach my 500 calories. It bloody hurt afterwards, and I was pretty much completely out of breath towards the end of the DVD, but I still pushed through and did it. It's all in the mind. That "just do 10 mins" was chanting through my mind and I did it.

Woo hoo. I just need to keep that mindset up if those kind of days hit me again.

My Stats:

Weight: 88.4kgs
Loss to date (including pre-season): 3.5kgs

Day 2:
Calories in: 1,247 (47 over - no biggie)
Toning Day: Calories burnt: 353 calories (40 minutes)

Day 3:
Calories in: 1,141
Fitness Day: Calories burnt: 526 calories (57 minutes)

On target so far. Toning days the 500 calorie limit isn't crucial. I've hit it so far on the fitness days so I just need to keep that up.


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