Getting Up to Date

So in my first blog, I mentioned how I've been writing in a diary for about a week so far, documenting my thoughts as I come across a new task set by Michelle. As this blog is going to become where I record my thoughts and journey, I thought I'd transfer all the information from my diary into this blog, so it will be a complete picture of the entire process. Here it is:

Wednesday, 17th August

The day I joined the 12WBT. Hopefully this is the best $200 I have ever spent. I want this to be the first day of the rest of my life.

Getting into it already: I received an email from the program, with Mish asking us to introduce one good exercise habit and one good food into our habit from now until when we start the program. So my choices:

Exercise - to do a Pilates or Yoga type class twice a week. This is to help develop my core and stretch my muscles before I start hammering them in whatever Michelle has got planned!!

How I've gone to date? Not so well. I've been to Pilates and Yoga once each. I guess that isn't too bad though. It's half the number of times I should have been by now. Better than nothing though.

Food - to not have any sugar or artificial sweetner in coffees. Now most people who know me would know that I am a coffee addict! I love a good coffee. And with my mortgage and/or busy work day constraints, I'm forever having instant to give me that caffiene fix to get me by. As I'm typing this I'm buzzing off the three I've had today.

How I've gone to date? I actually have done quite well I must say. I've added no sugar to my instants, and I haven't ordered any cafe coffees with any sugar either. I don't know how people do it though. Instant coffee is absolutely disgusting without any sweetner. Haha. My boyfriend might have his dream come true - a girlfriend without any coffee breath.

Thursday, 25th August

It's been a week since joining now. And what has been happening?

Two pre-season tasks have opened up for all of us members to complete. And boy are they whoppers.
1. Documenting all of my excuses for not exercising or eating right that I use on myself. All of that self-talk. Then, coming up with solutions to all of these excuses, so they don't come in between me and my 12wbt journey.
2. Coming up with my 1 month, 3 month, 6 month and 12 month goals.

So, I've spent one night working on these excuses. I've even asked my boyfriend what excuses do I use that he has noticed, so I get the full picture, and can be more aware of any I use that I wasn't previously aware of.
I really need to get on with this task though. I've still got a long way to go (the excuses seem to be never ending). And then I need to work on and finalise my goals, before all of the other tasks pop open and I am still stuck back on my excuses.

The next task after these two that is due to come out is gearing up. Which is where I decide where I'm going to train (gym, outdoors or at home), and get the appropriate gear for these locations. Right now my thoughts are that I just want to jump to this task, as it sounds much more fun than working on the excuses and goals. Haha. And I'm keen to do a mixture of the 3 locations, rather than just one or the other. I think with the life style my job brings, doing a variety could work well for me.

Finally, Mish has said she wants us to start exercising much more often, so that the six days a week exercise we will be expected to do for the 12 weeks isn't a shock to our body. Oh boy. It starts hey!

One thing I've noticed about myself from participating on this program so far, I keep getting COMPLETELY distracted from work by reading all of the forums!! They're so interesting and also overwhelming at the same time. There are so many return members who have already done a round or two of the 12wbt talking about all of the weight they've lost in the pre-season, all of the dietting they've been doing etc etc. It is fantastic seeing everyone's results, but also makes me worry that I am not doing enough in my pre-season. That is, until I came across some lovely thoughtful return members posting in the forums that all of the newbies should be focussing on the pre-season tasks only. Thank goodness. I'm kind of on the right track. Just got to get those excuses and goals sorted!

Friday, 26th August

After getting my list of items to focus on for the next few days together yesterday, I buckled. My brother visited (he lives in Mackay and I never ever see him :( ), and I sat there with him and drank almost a whole bottle of wine to myself last night. Nice one! NOT! And today I'm feeling it. I'm feeling horrible this morning. I might even throw up soon enough. I just do not feel nice.

And I've pulled the excuse that my brother is here visiting on this rare occassion, therefore I'll hang out with him and not exercise.

Ok. Enough. I need to sort myself out.

To resolve this:
- Swmming laps on Sunday with a friend of mine. (Didn't happen, tsk tsk)
Then I need to start my exercising 6 days in a row from now on:
- Mon - Yoga class (Success! Went and loved it)
- Tues - Cycle class (Didn't go, but my Michelle Bridges dvds arrived that afternoon, so I did one of them instead. I just really wanted to try them. And boy did they get me sweating!).
- Wed - Pilates class (Didn't happen)
- Thurs - Cycle class (Yet to happen as I write this).

I also need to get my priorities sorted here. Each evening I need to leave work and do all of my 12wbt commitments first thing when I get home. That includes exercising, packing my gym bag for the next day, cooking and eating a healthy dinner, and packing a healthy lunch for tomorrow. I can catch up on my work on weekends if I have to. Health comes first!

The boy also gave me a bit of advice to think about when I'm reaching for the late night snacks. They're a bit of an every day thing, and I don't eat terribly in the evenings, but I do eat when I really just shouldn't be eating. He asked me, "when I eat in the evenings, Is my stomach rumbling? Does it feel empty?" News flash: I would almost never answer yes to those two questions! So why am I eating? Good point! I really need to keep this in mind when I go to snack in the evenings.

Some other pointers I came across on the forums that I thought could help:
1. When I go to eat because I'm tired/bored/stressed: Stop, and ask myself "How will I feel after I've eaten all of this?" The answer the majority of the time is going to be that I will feel like crap, isnt it? Yes. So don't eat it!
2. Some advice that the team has gotten from Mish in the past rounds, on thos days we just feel like sitting on the couch, rather than exercising, just get up and do ten minutes. That's it, just ten. Because guaranteed, once we start, we'll want to do another ten, then another.

Got to keep these things in mind! I'm sure I'll get there, it will just take some persistance at first. Training my mind to think differently.


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